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Stake Tax

What is Stake Tax?

Designed to simplify tax reporting for individuals holding staking coins by allowing them to enter their wallet address, generate a downloadable CSV file of transaction details, and import it into crypto tax websites.

Key Features of Stake Tax

  • Blockchain CSVs for Taxes
  • Search Address
  • View & Download CSV

Use Cases for Stake Tax

  • Import CSV of your crypto tax data to an accounting software like Cryptoworth
  • Enter Wallet address on home page, then Download CSV
  • Download import-ready CSVs for various blockchains
Visit their official website to learn more:
Accounting Features Supported for
Stake Tax
Reconciliation & Sanity Checks >
DeFi Protocols
NFTs Valuation
Automated Rule Categorization
Integration to ERPs, QBO, Xero, Netsuite, etc.

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